smartfood R&D: on our way to 2031

smartfood R&D: on our way to 2031

smartfood R&D: on our way to 2031

25 February 2021

As experts in food shelf life, we are highly skilled in the use of mathematical models to predict food and non-food shelf life and make a reliable estimation of our clients’ microbiological risks.

Additionally, in recent years we have started using an entirely different type of predictive modelling: we use business models to predict the growth of smartfood R&D as a business and assess the risks involved in that process.

By means of marketing and strategic research, we are able to stimulate continuous improvement of our services. We actively seek feedback from our clients, the market and our employees.

Identifying opportunities and threats using these business models allows us to learn on a perpetual basis. Our focus is developing high-end services that are in line with both current and future needs of our clients.

While doing so, we are currently mapping out the route that will guide smartfood R&D into the next decade.